If the computer is first used to burn Ambarella A7 program software, need to install the driver first; Driver installation file as shown below:
Some computers do not have the operating environment. You need to install the operating environment: .net Framework V4.0.3.319. You can follow the prompts on the network to download and install, or manually download and install.
If it is Win8 system, it may be abnormal. Please refer to solution of Baidu Experience.
Burning software procedure:
1. Install the driver file and the operating environment (only required at the first use)
2. Extract the software program;
3. Press the key (middle) to connect the USB line, then press the boot button. If the motherboard and the computer communication is normal, you will see the following information in device manager as shown below:
4. Open PROGRAMMER tools DirectUSB and set as follows:

5. select the software program to extract the file in the directory:
6. Click . The following information frame will appear the following information to show that the board is connected normally.
7. Click .First empty Flash memory and clear the following information as follows:
8. Click to burn the following information and finish it.
9. Pull out the USB and that is OK.
10. Burn a piece of board and only need to reconnect. Click and
, then click
. The information frame appear normally.