– Fixed ADB access via Recovery.
– Fixed boot to black screen from Recovery.
– Fixed GPD’s Q9 RK3288 Partition Map, mounting points, and /Dev locations.
– Removed (Auto Wipe) instructions after recovery update. You may safely update your recovery without losing your data.
– Fixed bootloop to recovery after upgrading to a custom recovery.
– Backup / Restore functions tested thoroughly.SPECIAL THANKS TO:
– Oma7144 from CrewRKTablets
And for those who have kindly donated, Thank You 🙂 Your donations are always appreciated.
Important Notes:
– This is an RK formated IMG file and will require the RKAndroidTool. (Included in attached file)
– You need to have the correct ADB / Rockchip Loader drivers installed. (Included in attached file)
– You will need to download any boot manager app from Google Play store, I recommend Quick Boot. (Free).
– Unlike the stock recovery image, this customized TWRP recovery image does not contain a copy of the Kernel.
– Crucial partitions (System / Data) are not mounted automatically upon boot of TWRP Recovery. This is a fail-safe measure put in place to avoid unintentional formats or partition erasures. To mount partitions, simply click on the mount button in TWRP Recovery and select which partitions you wish to mount / access.
GPD Q9 TWRP Recovery v2.8.4.0 [REL v1.1d]
Please follow the steps below:
1. Download the GPD_Q9_TWRP_v1.1d.7z and save it to your PC.
2. Download & install Quick Boot or any other boot manager from Google Play Store on your GPD Q9 Gamepad
3. Extract GPD_Q9_TWRP_v1.1d.7z and run \GPD_Q9_TWRP_v1.1d\2. RKAndroidTool\AndroidTool.exe
4. AndroidTool should load and show “No Found any Devices”.
5. Connect your GPD Q9 via USB to your PC and AndroidTool should now show “Found One ADB Device”
6. Click on the (SWITCH) button to reboot your device in BootLoader Mode. Your device will restart, show a black empty screen and AndroidTool should now say “Found One LOADER Device”. This means the device is ready to accept the new custom recovery.
7. Now click the “Run” button, this will be begin downloading the new custom recovery to your device.
8. Your device will power down once successfully completed. Simply power it back again and use the boot manager you downloaded to reboot to recovery.
9. Congratulations, now you have TWRP Recovery for GPD Q9 installed.