
Beelink GT-King Amlogic S922X 4GB/64GB TV Box Firmware Update

Hey guys,

Glad to share the firmware for Beelink GT-King Amlogic S922X TV Box.

PC Flash Firmware


This firmware is suitable for Beelink GT-King Amlogic S922X 4GB/64GB TV Box. Please carefully read the entire post before setting up the system. Thank you.

When box boots for the first time only, installation is still going on in the background, please be patient for it to load completely.
When you connect the box to the internet for the first time Google dependencies will need to be
updated, please allow for these updates to finish.

Installation Instructions:
Recommend Using Latest Amlogic’s USB Burning Tool Follow instructions from Beelink’s Tutorials. SD Card Method can be used.
Very Important! when you flash your box either by USB or SD-Card NEVER use the option Force Erase
All only use the Normal Erase option or you will lose DRM Widevine L1.

1st Boot takes about 5-6 minutes, so please be patient. This deletes all your data so do a backup if needed! Use this at your own risk! These boxes are very picky if you flash improper or flash the wrong bootloader you can lose DRM WIDEVINE L1 or even damage your box.

This is a nice clean ROM with some tweaks, GUI cleanup, Mods and some changes made from the original GT-King ROM.

Changes/Mods & Tweaks Alvatech ROM:
This ROM is based on Beelink’s Firmware.
Removed unneeded apps that Beelink had installed.
Cleaned up Beelink’s scripts that I don’t use in this ROM.
Nicer mouse cursor for easy viewing.
Double click home brings up Recent Apps in Grid View.
Clock setup in a 12hr format.
Two Launchers: Square Home 3, Android One Launcher.
Added TV Settings in the app drawer.
Additional Apps: X-Plore File Manager, Smart YouTube TV, Netflix, Kodi, & Power Menu (With
Recovery Boot Option)
Support for controllers and joysticks. (Xbox,PS3 & PS4)
Added additional *kl files to support more devices.
Removed and cleaned up files that are no longer needed.
Added 4K support for different YouTube versions.
Updated Generic.kl to use the “Enter” Key.
Fixed a permission grant issue
Added Google Clock
Updated Gapps
Alvatech Boot Logo & Boot Animation
New Wallpaper
No TWRP Recovery at the moment.

Flash guide, please refer to

Have fun!


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