Flashforge Adventurer 3 Pro 3D Printer
3D Printers 3D Printers & Laser Engravers

3D Printing Fun at Home: Mattias’ Family Story

Recently, we had the pleasure of engaging in an insightful conversation with Mattias, a dedicated Flashforge 3D printer user hailing from Sweden. An engineer and a doting father to two lovely daughters, Mattias has intertwined his technical prowess and his passion for creativity. He’s plunged headlong into the captivating world of 3D printing, transforming his home into a hive of creativity. Here’s an exciting insight into his 3D printing journey.

From Ideas to Tangible Creations: The Joy of Family Innovation

Often, Mattias found himself inspired by an idea, yet he lacked the means to bring it to life. “With kids, your imagination runs wild. Toys, movie figures, you name it,” Mattias shared. It was this very desire to transform their creative ideas into tangible reality that lured Mattias and his family into the world of 3D printing.

“There’s a certain thrill in extracting a successful 3D print. It’s a joy to see it fit perfectly where intended or witness my kids’ excited reactions. It’s a stimulating experience that fuels my passion for 3D printing even more.”

Mattias’ 3D Printing Collection: A Testimony to Family Creativity

Mattias and his family have delved into an array of interesting projects with the use of Flashforge Adventurer 3 Pro, each printout a testament to their creativity.

Flashforge Adventurer 3 3D Printer

Project Brio Train

Building a large train track is an exciting endeavor with children. “With kids you always want to amaze them with the printout you did. It’s really fun to set up a big train track and we even have an electric locomotive that can go around the track itself”. The ability to create their own tracks and even build a roller-coaster, amplifies the family fun.

3D Printing


3D printing figures for the children to paint is immensely enjoyable. “Printing figures to paint is soo much fun with kids. They love it and it’s so easy. It becomes something unique we can bring out for holidays!”.

3D printing figures to paint


Creating a character from a popular Swedish children’s show was a great bonding experience for Mattias and his eldest daughter.

“It’s a character from a very popular Sweden TV show for children. We didn’t find any existing model for it ( I guess it may be because it’s a Swedish thing just with limited supply out there), so me and my oldest daughter made it in Tinkercad”.

3D Printing

Lithophane Lamps

Mattias crafted personalized lithophane lamps featuring family photos, a project he wishes to explore more.

“The lithophane lamp is amazing and I have made more with pictures of my family and it’s much appreciated. I want to do more of these”.

3D Printing

Present Boxes

One Christmas, Mattias 3D printed a beautifully crafted gift box.

3D Printing

Mattias’ Takeaways from 3D Printing

Through 3D printing, Mattias’ home is now filled with fascinating toys, and he’s gained new skills. “I’d never dabbled in 3D modeling before, but bringing designs from the screen to real life using a 3D printer is immensely rewarding. I’m still learning, and I look forward to the technological advancements in home-based 3D printing.”

3D printing has also become a handy tool for problem-solving. “When something breaks or is missing, I design, model, and print it. It’s thrilling to see a design on screen and then hold it in hand after a few iterations. You can also modify existing models to suit your needs, or simply draw inspiration from them.”

FlashForge: An Integral Part of Mattias’ 3D Printing Adventures

As they look ahead, Mattias and his family eagerly anticipate the future advancements in 3D printing technology and the pivotal role FlashForge will play in this thrilling journey. “The progression in 3D printing is mind-blowing,” expresses Mattias. “Embarking on this journey with FlashForge is both exhilarating and gratifying.”

In retrospect, Mattias reflects, “Our FlashForge 3D printer has morphed our home into a creativity hub. It’s not solely about the technology, but also the shared joy of creating and learning as a family.”

Mattias’ family story beautifully mirrors FlashForge’s core values – the delight of transforming ideas into reality, shared learning experiences, and the spirit of problem-solving. As we strive to innovate and evolve, we draw inspiration from users like Mattias. His experience serves as a vivid reminder of the significant impact we can make in people’s lives. The 3D printing journey is just starting, and we’re thrilled to embark on this adventure with more users like Mattias and his family.


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