Title: KuKirin M4 is discontinued, new replacement KuKirin A1 series is about to be launched
News Sports & Outdoors

Title: KuKirin M4 is discontinued, new replacement KuKirin A1 series is about to be launched

KuKirin M4 is an electric skateboard launched in October 2020. It has been a hot seller for the past four years, Consumers love it for its excellent cost performance and classic appearance. but now it is out of stock and has been discontinued.

Title: KuKirin M4 is discontinued, new replacement KuKirin A1 series is about to be launched

The newly launched KuKirin A1 series will completely replace it. A1 has a better appearance, a lower price, and better performance. We believe that the KuKirin A1 series will become a rare example of the perfect combination of “performance and price” in the market.

It is expected to be launched in 2 months (approximately October 2024) ~ Stay tuned.

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