6 diy projects with mecpow and sculpfun lasers
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6 Items you can DIY with your Sculpfun and Mecpow Lasers

In this article, I gonna show you six DIY laser projects you can personalize using your laser engravers. you can do this as gifts for yourself or even start a business out of it uh I’ve used several of my machines depending on the product uh so let’s get started.

DIY Laser Project Number 1: Metal business cards

The first thing is metal business cards. These ones are fun to do uh you can do them with any laser like here behind me you don’t need a specialized laser for them because basically all you do is remove the anodized finish from the card and it will leave you with a nice and shiny finish so you can do business cards like this one or be creative and do something for Halloween for instance or engrave a bear on it.

It’s just whatever you want I’ve used my Sculpfun iCube for it uh this is a 5w laser if you set it up correctly you can batch process them and it only takes a few minutes for one to uh finish up so it’s nice to do I’ve bought them from Amazon I’ve got a pack of 100 pieces, cost around $9.
For this uh 100 pieces these are the 3mm ones. You can get the 8mm ones if you want a more high-end feel. They are slightly more expensive but don’t bend as much as these ones, so that’s up to you. That’s number one.

Sculpfun iCube engraves businesss cardss

DIY Laser Project – Business Cards by Jeroen

DIY Laser Project Number 2: Customized pens

I bought these bamboo pens in a pack of 12 on Amazon for around €99, including extra fillings, so that’s not too expensive. I used my Sculpfun iCube for this one. You can even batch-process them if you create a template for them. You can put multiple at the same time using Lightburn. You can create multiple designs and they are really fun to do. For instance, you can put your name on it or somebody else’s name. You can give it as a gift. This one, Luke, if you’re watching, is for you. I will give this one to you. It’s fun to do, easy to process and takes only I think a minute.

I can do two engravings for each pen to complete them. If you want, I can do it on a rotary roller. If you want to engrave them all around, I’ve decided not to do that. I’ll just put it flat on the surface and then engrave it from the top, and that works out great. So that’s number two.

Customized pens by mecpow x5 pro6 Items you can DIY with your Sculpfun and Mecpow Lasers

DIY Laser Project – Roller Pens by Jeroen using Sculpfun iCube

DIY Laser Project Number 3: Wooden serving trays

Number three are wooden serving trays. With these, you have more space to engrave than the bamboo pens, allowing for more creative and larger engravings. The examples shown were done on a Mecpow X4 Pro laser machine, which is fully enclosed and safe with various safety features. The engraving time for these trays ranged from 15 to 30 minutes, making them a quick project. These trays are similar to wooden cutting boards and can be purchased from stores as nice gifts for weddings, Etsy stores, birthdays, and more.

Wooden serving trays by mecpow x4 pro6 Items you can DIY with your Sculpfun and Mecpow Lasers

DIY Laser Project – Wooden serving trays by Jeroen using MECPOW X4 Pro

DIY Laser Project Number 4:  Personalized notebooks

Notebooks are really fun to do. You can buy notebooks with a wooden cover or a leather cover, real leather engraves very nicely. For example, this one is black on black so it’s a little bit difficult to show you on camera but I think you can get the point. I put ingredients on there and a nice lady was cooking, so if you’re into cooking you can put all your recipes in this one. I really like this one, I created a scrapbook with some nice kittens on the bottom. This one is actually a carton, so on a carton you can engrave really nice designs. If you’re into wallets, for instance, you can put your logo on a wallet and then put your money in it to give as a gift or sell it in your store. I used my Sculpfun s30 Pro Max for this one, with a 22 W laser in this enclosure, it’s a really nice machine and works great.

ImagePersonalized notebooks by sculpfun s30 pro max6 Items you can DIY with your Sculpfun and Mecpow Lasers

DIY Laser Project – Persosnalized Notebookss by Jeroen

Number 5:  Creative coasters

Number five are coasters, including slate coasters and bamboo coasters. Many people starting out in laser engraving often begin with coasters as one of their first projects. They are easy to create, inexpensive, and can be sold in sets of four. The bamboo coasters allow for deep engraving or surface engraving. The slate coasters have a nice contrast and can be customized with various text and images. They can be made on any laser machine ranging from 5 watts to 40 watts, depending on the individual’s skills.

Creative coasters by mecpow

DIY Laser Project – Coasters by Jeroen

Number 6:Engraved tumblers

Tumblers, everybody wants tumblers. This is not really a Tumblr, this is a drinking bottle, but you get the idea. I put a nice design of flowers on this one, it took around 2 hours and I did it on the Mecpow X3 Pro, which is a nice machine as well. It’s a 10-watt laser. Always when you do engraving, if you have a 5-watt laser and a 40-watt laser, make sure that you use the 5-watt laser to do engraving because almost always the smaller the power of the laser, the smaller the dot size of the laser. For instance, the iCube has a 5-watt laser with a dot size of 0.06 mm, whereas the 40-watt laser has a dot size of 0.1 or even 0.15. If you want to engrave high detail like this one, use the lower-powered laser. I used the Mecpow X3 Pro because I needed to use a rotary roller. If you want to do engravings on bottles like this, you need to have a rotary roller. I chose to use the Chuck rotary roller G5, which is a nice device that you can clamp in and then engrave the whole circumference of the bottle. You can also easily do little candles like this one, making it a little gift to light up your day. This can be given as a wedding gift, a present, or placed in your home. It’s just a simple, easy engraving. This one only takes I think 40 seconds, but you can do real fun stuff with it. That’s number six bottles, so there you go, easy and fun.

Engraved tumblers by mecpow x3 pro6 Items you can DIY with your Sculpfun and Mecpow Lasers

DIY Laser Projecs by Jeroen

A final word of advice: projects you can do with your laser engraver. I hope you enjoyed it, just have fun. Buy some things in the local store, customize them to your liking, put them in your own store to make some profit out of it give them away as gifts, or use them yourself. I think the most important part is that you have fun using your machines and doing some creative stuff. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, give it a thumbs up. Let me know in the comment section, would love to read your comments. If you have any questions, let me know, and I will always try to answer them.

By Jeroen >> 


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