Hola chicos:
We just get the stock firmware forTronsmart Prometeo Amlogic m6 dual core tv box, aquí está el enlace de descarga del firmware:
here is the firmware update instruction:
1 Download firmware from the above link;
2 Descomprimir el archivo, and you will get 4 archivos
3 Put these 4 archivos(don’t open zip file) in root of your SD card, Use a paperclip inserts to press the reset key which is at back side of the Android TV Box and hold it.
4 Power on the Android TV Box (connect the AD adapter with device), wait for blue Led flash 3 times then release reset key.
5 System will automatically upgrade.( Make sure power is not interrupted during the upgrading process.
6 Después 3-5 minutos, device will be reboot after upgrading .(Check the software version in setting-> about media player. You will see it).
We have tested with this method, and everything is right, here is the screenshot after we upgrade successful:
Enjoy the Firmware, any suggestions, no dudes en preguntar.
Update 4th Jan, we take a video for how to update firmware, Chequea aquí:
Yeah, I feel free to ask:)
1. Root needed!!! How to root? On geekbuing seller site is description that root access is supported, how?
2. XBMC with HW decoding, cuando???
3. Rii mini i8 keyboard won’t work correctly, for example I tapped once button A and got 10x A or more. On mk808 works perfectly.
4. Screen sometimes blinking for half a second. Tested on two tv’s. Ex: 3 times in 10 “Permission denied”.. Mk808 don’t do that.
5. Antutu only above 7300, I’ve expected more. Little disappointed. My Mk808 has more than 12000.
Wants more???
Feel free to ask:)
I bought mk808 and tronsmart Prometheus from geekbuing.
I upgraded to new Firmware and now the YouTube App is not working and Netflix App has a black line through middle of screen of any video I tried. I tried Netflix on Multiple Tvs and Video Monitors w/Prometheus, still same thing..also tried the non-hdmi hook up, and different HDMI cables. I know the YouTube App worked prior to firmware upgrade…not sure about Netflix–i didn’t test this app before firmware updates. YouTube does work fine in a web browser just not as an App.I did try to unistall the YouTube App.Can you test out the issue i am describing…do i have a defective unit? or just need to reset and not do firmware updates. OR do I need to install some Video Apps like MK Player or something..i thought this was a strange issue…..any suggestions would be great….perhaps i had bad download of firmware updates?
we have known the problem,and the factory said they will release a new firmware in these days, and fix the problem you are talking.
Update failed. The device does not – are red and blue lights. Reset does not respond. What do I do?
Hmmm,please try to follow the instruction here:
HOLA,yuri:sorry to answer you late, do you meet the problem when you are upgrade to android 4.2.2? have you checked the instruction,you should upgrade twice when upgrade from android 4.1.1 to android 4.2.
Is stock firmware still available?
yes it is
Where can I download it?