It seems that Apple finally released not-a-secret-at-all iPad mini. Rumor gives a high five in Apple’s face one more time. What exactly an iPad mini like? Some said that it’s […]
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Measy U1A, a good single core Android 4.0 TV Dongle
Measy, a company which famous for the air mouse remote control, they have great products, like Measy RC11,Measy RC12 and the new product Measy RC13. Recently they release a android […]
MTK6589 Quad Core Android 4.1 Smartphone from ZTE or Lenovo?
MediaTek ‘s first quad-core the 3G smartphone chip MT6589 is about to be launched at the end of the year or early next year, news has been known to all, […]
iMito MX TV BOX Review,Firmware,Buy
iMito, a famous china brand, which is focus on tablet pc business for long time, their tablet is always coming with high quality, and their tech support is also very […]
UG802 Upgrade version ” UG007 ” Will come at the end of Oct
Do you still remember the UG802 MIni PC? It should be the first dual core tv box, and now the same factory ugoos will release their new model : UG007. […]