iMito, a famous china brand, which is focus on tablet pc business for long time, their tablet is always coming with high quality, and their tech support is also very […]
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UG802 Upgrade version ” UG007 ” Will come at the end of Oct
Do you still remember the UG802 MIni PC? It should be the first dual core tv box, and now the same factory ugoos will release their new model : UG007. […]
First Quad Core Mini PC GK802 – Freescale i.MX6Q 1G/16G Bluetooth
There are lots of thumb drive-sized TV boxes/Mini PC this year. From the first MK802 to the newest MK808, these thub driver-sized TV box has changed from Allwinner A10 chip to […]
MK808 Mini PC new factory firmware release!
MK808, The newest Android 4.1 Mini PC, some guy have got this mini pc, and report some problems, after we talk with the factory, they release us a new firmware […]
MK802 VS UG802, what is the difference?
MK808 Link: UG802 Link:–Android-4-0-4-TV-Box-IPTV-1-2GHz-Cortex-A9-Rockchip-3066-Quad-Core-GPU-1GB-RAM-4G-ROM-w-HDMI-USB-Host-306693.html