Thanks lewy20041 on armtvtech, he made this rom, and we just post on our blog for customers: here is the firmware download address: V1.0.7 720p
-unpack arhive (anywhere)
-start RKBatchTool.exe
-put mk808 into flash mode (pres hiden buton and conect mk808 to pc, use usb otg port)
-instal proper drivers when windows ask (drivers are in \Rockchip_Batch_Tool_v1.5\Rockchip_Batch_Tool_v1.5\RockusbDriver)
-when you wil see number 1 in green box selec “…” button in right top corner of RKBatchTool
-navigate to ICS_mod_by_lewy20041.img
-pres restore button in RKBatchTool
after instal:
thats the things to do aftrer yoy install your rom o mk808.
-first bootup will be slower then the next one (android is setting u)
-after boot wait about 3-5 minutes and reboot the device
-if superuser app will show up just pres alow
-in android tuner go to cpu an set governor from ondemand to performance
-press onboot
-next go to one-click and boost app and db
-o tu android settings>screan>scale> and slide it to the end
-next go to settings>developer options:
1. check usb debuging
2. check stay awake
3. check auto hide
4. check gpu rendering
5. change all animations to 0.5x
-in advance task killer go to settings:
1. check startup kill
2. select startup delay and set it to 20-30s
some hope to release a new firmware official (no modified) with support bluetooth and real 1080p very soon ?!. thx
How switch off the subtitles in the Video Player of this ROM? I tried but is impossible!
And how show de bar with de “Hide Bar (Demo)”?
And finally, the Video Player have a little delay between the sound and de video and i don’t know how fix it.
Any idea for this problem?
For the rest of rom is fantastic and very fast. I’m very happy with it,
Thanks for the lewy!!