First, still thanks BOB and Alex in freaktab, they are working hard on this UG802 roms!!!
This is ALL in the readme of the download!
Release Notes:
This was made from the latest Ugoos ROM for system.img but with a custom kernel by Alex (2dark4u).
There are a huge amount of changes in this ROM. See below for features.
In this ROM kit are custom kernels for overclock.
Some will burn out your UG802 if you do not have a heatsink on the processor!
SO BE CAREFUL which you choose. I did my best to explain in the README.txt for instructions on what to do!
This ROM is YOUR responsibility if you flash this. YOUR WARRANTY is voided for sure!
Features in 1.7 ROM:
The BIG feature! TRUE 1080P resolution if you want it!
1) A choice of custom kernels with Overclock support and FULL 1080P resolution!
WARNING! Be careful which kernel you choose for overclock!
Without a heatsink on the processor you CAN BURN OUT YOUR UG802!!!!
2) OC Kernels are also provided for 720p for users that do not have a TV with 1080.
See instructions IN THE ROM KEY README for deciding which kernel and boot.img to flash!
3) Fully rooted with the latest SU and SuperUser.apk
4) FULL Goole Play store! Thanks for tips from 2dark4u this enables full market in regions like Ukrain!
For instance, onlive APP should now show in Google Play!
5) All GAPPs updated to latest. This includes the latest Play Store, GMS Core, Youtube, Gmail, etc.
However Google Search is not updated as the latest cannot be a system APP. So update that once you are running.
6) I added a reboot APP that will allow you to reboot the device from the Android UI. No more unplugging the unit!
7) I give you the HIDE STATUS BAR feature BUILT IN!
On the status bar is a DOWN arrow icon. Click it and status bar is gone!
To bring it back just go into settings and it will pop back up.
8) I give you the TV Browser we have seen in other uGoos ROMs. So this ROM like all my ROMs has both launchers!
9) Full init.d support has been added! If you do not know what that is… ignore it.
Basically it allows you to install scripts that run at boot time.
If your interested, google search V6SuperCharger for a neat speed booster script.
10) User APP space by default was only 512MB.
I have now given you 2 parameter files to chose from! A 1GB APP space and a 2GB APP space choice!
By default the 1GB is chosen in the flash tool. This leaves 1.67GB Internal SDcard.
You can choose the 2GB parameter file which will leave you with only 670MB Internal SDcard.
The choice is yours!
So, if you flash this ROM using the PC based flash tool, you get more APP space. However, using
the SDcard update.img method for this ROM still leaves you with 504MB. Update.img from SDcard cannot
repartition the memory space. So if you want the larger APP space, use the PC flash tool.
To choose the 2GB parameter file, in the flash tool click the empty box to the far right of the parameter line.
A file browser will open. Navigate to the FinlessROM folder and select the parameter2gb file.
YOU MUST ERASE NAND (IDB) for this to work!
11) I added the Xbox Xpad.ko module as well as the XML file tweaks to support other game controllers.
12) I also added cifs.ko and md4.ko BUT! I have not tested them myself! So you all need to let me know CIFS works or not.
The insturstions for how to flash and use kernels is in the readme of the download!
READ THEM before you ask questions!
ROM Download link:
Shopping link:–Android-4-0-4-TV-Box-IPTV-1-2GHz-Cortex-A9-Rockchip-3066-Quad-Core-GPU-1GB-RAM-4G-ROM-w-HDMI-USB-Host-306693.html
I tried this ROM on my UG802-2 and it loads and runs OK but it’s useless because Wi-Fi and Bluetooth won’t work.
Great ROM!!
I was in search of something “sexier” than the stock ROM/Android of my Android Stick… Google’d around and found this blog. Soooo good!
Installed this ROM (version 1.7 because next one was beta atm) and I’m totally satisfied. Works like a charm so far.
About Wifi: if you’re using the Reboot App and actually “Reboot”, then Wifi will be disabled on next boot. If you “Power Off”, stick will shutdown … and then reappear, but with Wifi OK.
So, I still doesn’t know how to Power Off without remove the cable from power 🙁
Anyway, a must-have (must-install), thanks a lot