TV Boxes & Mini PCs

MK808B 1080P Beta Firmware Release,rooted/real 1080P Output/wifi/bluetooth working!

HI guys:

Guess what we bring to you before the china new year, lol

The real 1080P firmware for MK808B, lots of customers are waiting for this, and finally, in the help of our rom developer, it comes out!!!! We have tested, wifi/bluetooth all working now, and real 1080P output.

Firmware download link is here

Some customer report the below version has not been rooted, we are sorry for that:


We have made another firmware with fully rooted, download here:

Download link

Please notice this is just our beta firmware, we are welcome to hear all of the feedback ,and we will try to fix the problem and release the official firmware later.

You should use the following tools to do the upgrade:

Please notice: This is just for the Geekbuying sold MK808B, with rockchip wifi module, it can NOT work on the clone MK808B with MTK wifi module.  Again, we are not just selling products, we also tried our best to make our product better and better. This is Geekbuying.

Be Aware of the Clones! Original MK808B shopping link is here—Black-313213.html


Geekbuying Blog


  1. .zip file needs password!!!

  2. ….password:

  3. Hello,

    I download the firmware and the upgrade tools.

    I launched RK Batch Tool and located the firmware, but the RK Batch Tool doesn’t recognize any devices connected. Even though my laptop recognizes it.

    My laptop is running Windows 7 64-bit.
    MK808B is running Build #: mk808b_400j1-18-12-2012

    Is there a step I am missing? Is that why the RK Batch Tool doesn’t recognize the MK808B?

    P.S. The RC11 remote you sent me was DOA. Still waiting for a reply from you guys… Need a replacement please.

  4. im waiting .
    İMİTİ MX1 Real 1080P output firmware

  5. not rooted!

    when i open superSU, it says: no su binary installed and SuperSU cannot install it?
    I’ve tried to update SuperSU from google play, but no change…

    help, anyone? 😉

  6. Ok no i have try it the new firmware and i can say that the bluetooth is worst then ever, now even if i use a mouse with a mini dongle the mouse goes very very slow and it still unpair as soon as i restart the device. The 1080p works fine but thats all to it. So i install the stock firmware again and the mouse using a mini dongle works fine, without the dongle it just unpair as soon as i restart the device as it did before.
    So i think there is work to be donne on the new firmware related to the bluetooth cause is just impossible to use it.

  7. Hello,
    Could you please help with the following issue:
    Since I have owned the MK808B I have not been able to get a picture on my tv only blank screen when connecting it directly to the tv. I have been able to get picture when plugging it into a Logitech Revue first then connect the Revue to the TV. I am using only the items included with the MK808B, power supply, hdmi cable, etc. Is there anyway to change the hdmi hot plug setting in the kernel from autodect to always on? I believe this will fix my issue.


  8. I can not connect my bluetooth headphone Motorola S305 to the stick after upgrading to the new firmware. The headphone works with all my other devices e.g. phones pads. etc.

  9. I received the new MR808B from Geekbuying today. It is DOA – no blue light after powering and no HDMI output as well. Somebody can advise what could be done to bring it to life? Any chances to get refung from this seller?

  10. Also has no blue light and no HDMI output. Tried to flash today. Driver installed and Win 7 x64 see the RK30. But the RKBatch tool do not want to see it. What could be done?

  11. Hello,

    I have tried the new firmware as well. 1080p is working fine. But I am having several Problems.

    1. After 2 hours of use i started loosing the wifi connection. When i restarted wifi it freezed. I rebootet the mk808b and after turning on wifi it freezed again and rebootet automatically afterwards.

    2. With the new firmware I am suddenly having Problems with my Mele F10 Keyboard. While I am typing every letter is written double.

    3. I am also having trouble during video streams.

    All these issues came with new firmware. Can you please fix them

    For now I will go back to the old firmware.

  12. How do I root for this firmware ?

  13. looks like NOT really rooted

    RootExplorer is OK, but SU, Superuser, dx toolbox, say NO ROOT

    get a message like: su bin not installed – can’t install …

  14. Avatar photo

    Hi,thanks for your report, i will check and make an update firmware as soon as possible.

  15. Avatar photo

    YOu should find a paper clip, insert to the recovery button,and then use the otg cable connect mk808b with your computer, try to search how to upgrade firmware for mk808b on youtube, then you will know everything 🙂

  16. Avatar photo

    thanks for the report, we will check it and try to fix the problem you are talking.

  17. Avatar photo

    HI,thanks for your feedback, we will try to fix the problem you are taking.

  18. Error (509)
    This account’s public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

  19. Hi Dave,

    Me having same error as well.. can’t seen to dowload for CNY now.

  20. Manage to download 1080p_update_mk808b_01.rar from another URL .. the SuperUser doesn’t work properly.

    How do I shutdown the MK808B ?

    Can we have a “Shutdown” app as well ?

  21. I agree with Jason 🙂 We people need an OFFICIAL FIRMWARE RELEASE with shutdown app …Please..

  22. I’ve hust installed the new 1080p firmware. Wifi and BT not working anymore :-(. It worked with the none rooted Version of the 1080p firmware. What should i do?

  23. after I installed the new 1080 image, your last one from Feb 2 above, the device acted up with the mouse for a bit, then it was okay, but after few days the wifi started to act up, i cannot enable wifi, it keeps on disabling itself.

    any new updates pleaes?


  24. The MK808B arrived DOA. I’ve flashed stock ROM of Jan 15. Working good but system if falling to sleep mode (no HDMI out, does not respond on any mouse movements) after few minutes of non-activity. Only mains reset can put it back to life after reboot. Please let me know how to prevent unit from the sleep mode? System menu does not have any option for this.

  25. Hi, I purchased MK808B and got it three days ago but I’ve got big problems with it. It works properly when connecting to the tv: it turns on and load android system. The problems come when I try to start the web browser or other apps, such Angry Birds, Droidmote, GMaps or others: when these apps are starting the system crashes and turn off at all without restarting. I tried connecting it to another TV, I loaded the updated firmware and also Finless 1.7 but the problem is still the same: some apps make the stick turn off. Apps such Gmail, Chrome, Google Play seem to be ok and work, others not. Could it be a hardware problem? Or can I solve trying another firmware? Thank you.

  26. Avatar photo

    HI, from your description,i think the problem may be the charger or the usb cable, could you please let me know if you use the charger and cable in package?

  27. I received my mk808b today. It worked for ten minutes then started freezing. I updated the fimrware and it still continued to freeze. It will not even get past boot screen without freezing. I have tried finless roms too with the same results. I have tried other usb cables and power adapters. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  28. I tried something else with the mk808b. I put it next to my ac vent and let it get really cold and that allowed it to start up and run for maybe one minute. I also plugged it into my receiver and cable box usb ports. It is not a power problem. As soon as it starts to warm up the slightest amount it freezes. I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a hardware problem because of very little heat. The product is defective.

  29. Any chance to address this issue in a future firmware? Basically, the hdmi output seems to be initialized as the secondary output rather than the primary. This causes problems for apps that block playback of content when the secondary output is active. For instance, xfinity player, it will not playback content on the mk808b because it thinks the hdmi is the secondary output, whereas its really the primary, and the only output.