This rom is made by Finless in freaktab, Big Thanks to bob’s great work, and this Rom is working on Geekbuying MK808B (not working on the clone ones)
Notes and new features for 1.6a update
1) This ROM uses latest 720 kernel for MK808B dates Jan 10 2013.
2) I have added the gameloft patch from Christian Troy. This fixes the license check for some gameloft games.
Before this patch many gameloft games would crash to the desktop and now run. e.g. like Wonder Zoo
These now work.
3) I have highly modified build.prop to give you the most APPs show up in google play.
Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will show up in google play as NOT a MK808 device! Understand this please. I also left the original buiild.prop in the ROM called build.orig. If you want to go back, just use ES File explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old. Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a MK808.
4) Updated build.prop to fix the version number. my original 1.6 reported as 1.5a
5) I put back in the RK Settings by request
If you do not want to erase and reflash but want the new kernel.
Simply uncheck everything in the flash tool and flash only kernel.img
However, if you have stability issues then I reccomend a erase and reflash!
Changing the kernel does not always work properly depending on changes in the kernel.
Features in 1.6 ROM:
1) Optimized for scaled up 720 to 1080 for best look!
2) Hide status bar soft button with “easy” bring it back up by dragging mouse from bottom up!
3) Shut down soft button! USE THIS instead of unplugging and causing a BRICK of your ROM!
4) Fully rooted with the latest SU and SUperUser.apk
5) Debloated of china and other junk APPs you an get back from Google Play
6) FULL GOOGLE PLAY mods! Onlive and other Apps shouls show up now.
If you want more compatabiliyt like Gameloft, you must edit build.prop. See for that info.
7) Soft volume buttons on status bar.
8) Special add for this ROM. Full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it.
If you do, you can now install and use boot time scripts like V6 SUper Charger!
9) All APPs are up to date! So you will not get any Google Play APPs needing updated.
10) Cleaned up the file system so it is not fragmented! Basicly I used linux tune2fs when making the images.
11) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).
12) The Xbox XPAD.KO module is now injected on boot. This was by request! Enjoy!
13) CIFS, TUN and MD4 KO modules were also added by request.
In the ROM kit there is a read me! This has full instructions for how to upgrade. So PLEASE read the read me!
Firmware Download link is here ( we mirror it to dropbox to get fast download speed)
Thanks for your new rom,
Picasa is still not showing into the gallery. Is there any update for that? thanks 😉
thanks for great work and efort You put in it so we can all enjoy it.
I have one problem and not sure how i will fix it, maybe i should upgrade to this new beta version or should i wait for final?
Curently on a 1.6A finless custom rom.
I have two remote: one is Measy RC12 and another is Logitech DiNovo Mini
With both i can put device into standby/off mode but i cant turn it on after that.
I must plug off the power and again connect it to power on.
And another goes for Measy RC12 keyb …. It has same as DiNovo key functions to increase/decrease volume but it only works on DiNovo.
For XBMC i have seen that when You use button for hiding bottom bar XBMC reposition itself on screen(centering itself) but the location of buttons on XBMC are left in place as it have been at start of program, so when You hover with mouse pointer over button noting happens, You must to hover with mouse above the buttons for distance of bar to get them working.
And one question please what android keyboard You will recommended to me for playing the games?
Thank You.
Hey I installed finless rom 1.6a on MK808B and there was WIMO app pre installed…can you tell me what’s the use of this app and how to use it plz..