Tronsmart T428 is the first Rockchip RK3188 quad core mini pc, some people has got it, and wonder how to root, the root method for all rk3188 base device should be the same, you can follow this instructions:
Make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your Tronsmart T428(Settings -> Developer Options)
Connect your T428 to a Windows PC via the mini USB port. (now only support rooted via Windows PC, no linux or Mac)
I’m on Windows 7 64-bit, and when I try to install the driver through the device manager:
Other Devices>T428>Update Driver>Browse My Computer for Driver Software>
And browse to Rockusb_v3.5>Rockusb>x64>win7 for it to look for the driver all it does is give me the message:
“Windows was unable to install your T428
Windows could not find driver software for your device.”
The only way it’s let me install the driver so far is by while the T428 is off, hold down the side button on the T428, then plug in the MicroUSB cord, the red light on the T428 comes on, then releasing the side button once windows notice something had been plugged in. Windows first see’s it as “Unknown device”, it let me install the driver, and then showed up as “Rockusb Device” in the device manager. But when you do it like this theres no HDMI output from the T428 so can’t tell if it’s even fully on.
If you then try to run TPSparkyRoot.bat, it just gives you the “error: device not found”
If you plug the microusb into the T428 and let it power on without holding the side button, it doesnt show up as “Rockusb Device” just as “T428” and says that the device doesnt have any drivers installed, and can’t find any drivers even if you try and install from the same folder as before.
Running TPSparkyRoot.bat like this still gives the “error: device not found”
I was able to also get the driver installed by holding down the side button and plugging in the power until I heard windows detect the device. I let go of the button and the device shows up as “Unknown Device”; different than normal bootup which shows as T428.
Once it was showing as “Unknown Device” I couldn’t point windows to the x64 directory directly but instead I let it search the whole directory structure of the Rockchip 1.6 folder and it found it. (Still not sure which directory it used)
NOTE: There is a 3.0.0 version of the driver with Rockchip 1.6 and a 2.0.0 that comes with Rockchip 1.5.
After installing the driver it shows up as “Rockusb Device” but the TPSparkyRoot.bat can’t find the device and gives “error: device not found”
Rebooting normally shows up as the normal T428 and it still can’t be found.
No success so far but I will continue to hunt through forums for a solution. Probably will have to install an alternate pre-rooted firmware instead.
Phew! Finally found it. It requires modifying the inf file to add the device into it so it is recognized. Anyone who has done this before follow the typical procedure. For those who haven’t, here we go.
I used the following USB driver but the one *should* work as well:
1. enable USB debugging on the device
2. now connect your device to your pc, you will see Windows will try to install appropriate driver for your device, if it installed properly then you’re lucky, you can proceed to the very last step. If not then we need to install the driver using USB driver you downloaded earlier, here’s how..
3. extract the usb_driver.rar you downloaded.
4. open the folder you just extracted and look for android_winusb.inf, right click it and click open with, choose notepad.
5. In [Google.NTx86] Paste the following at the end (before [USB_Install] section:
;Tronsmart T428
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010&MI_01
6. In [Google.NTamd64] paste the same thing at the end of the section:
;Tronsmart T428
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010&MI_01
7. SAVE the file and close notepad.
8. In device manager, right click T428 and click update driver software, then choose browse my computer for driver software –> locate the folder usb_driver then just click next etc will now have installed drivers for the T428 device which is what we need working for rooting.
Using the drivers at the link above my device shows up in a category of “SAMSUNG Android Phone” with a subitem of “Android Composite ADB Interface” as the device. It really doesn’t matter what it is called as long as the drivers are installed.
9. Run TPSparkyRoot.bat and follow instructions.
NOTE: If for some reason the Hardware ID’s are different for your device just grab the string from device manager and replace the ones I have above with yours in the .inf file and it should work. It would be nice if others who try it with the drivers would report back if this method works with those drivers.
Hello, I’m trying to do all the steps right, but does not work. The drivers of the first post if you let me install them manually, but when running TPSparkyRoot.bat not find the device. And if I try to install the drivers from the last post, just do not install them.
I need help please.
I’m on Windows 7 64-bit, and when I try to install the driver through the device manager:
Other Devices>T428>Update Driver>Browse My Computer for Driver Software>
And browse to Rockusb_v3.5>Rockusb>x64>win7 for it to look for the driver all it does is give me the message:
“Windows was unable to install your T428
Windows could not find driver software for your device.”
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
The only way it’s let me install the driver so far is by while the T428 is off, hold down the side button on the T428, then plug in the MicroUSB cord, the red light on the T428 comes on, then releasing the side button once windows notice something had been plugged in. Windows first see’s it as “Unknown device”, it let me install the driver, and then showed up as “Rockusb Device” in the device manager. But when you do it like this theres no HDMI output from the T428 so can’t tell if it’s even fully on.
If you then try to run TPSparkyRoot.bat, it just gives you the “error: device not found”
If you plug the microusb into the T428 and let it power on without holding the side button, it doesnt show up as “Rockusb Device” just as “T428” and says that the device doesnt have any drivers installed, and can’t find any drivers even if you try and install from the same folder as before.
Running TPSparkyRoot.bat like this still gives the “error: device not found”
TPSparkyRoot.bat gives the “error: device not found”
driver is installed fine.
I was able to also get the driver installed by holding down the side button and plugging in the power until I heard windows detect the device. I let go of the button and the device shows up as “Unknown Device”; different than normal bootup which shows as T428.
Once it was showing as “Unknown Device” I couldn’t point windows to the x64 directory directly but instead I let it search the whole directory structure of the Rockchip 1.6 folder and it found it. (Still not sure which directory it used)
NOTE: There is a 3.0.0 version of the driver with Rockchip 1.6 and a 2.0.0 that comes with Rockchip 1.5.
After installing the driver it shows up as “Rockusb Device” but the TPSparkyRoot.bat can’t find the device and gives “error: device not found”
Rebooting normally shows up as the normal T428 and it still can’t be found.
No success so far but I will continue to hunt through forums for a solution. Probably will have to install an alternate pre-rooted firmware instead.
Phew! Finally found it. It requires modifying the inf file to add the device into it so it is recognized. Anyone who has done this before follow the typical procedure. For those who haven’t, here we go.
I used the following USB driver but the one *should* work as well:
1. enable USB debugging on the device
2. now connect your device to your pc, you will see Windows will try to install appropriate driver for your device, if it installed properly then you’re lucky, you can proceed to the very last step. If not then we need to install the driver using USB driver you downloaded earlier, here’s how..
3. extract the usb_driver.rar you downloaded.
4. open the folder you just extracted and look for android_winusb.inf, right click it and click open with, choose notepad.
5. In [Google.NTx86] Paste the following at the end (before [USB_Install] section:
;Tronsmart T428
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010&MI_01
6. In [Google.NTamd64] paste the same thing at the end of the section:
;Tronsmart T428
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_2207&PID_0010&MI_01
7. SAVE the file and close notepad.
8. In device manager, right click T428 and click update driver software, then choose browse my computer for driver software –> locate the folder usb_driver then just click next etc will now have installed drivers for the T428 device which is what we need working for rooting.
Using the drivers at the link above my device shows up in a category of “SAMSUNG Android Phone” with a subitem of “Android Composite ADB Interface” as the device. It really doesn’t matter what it is called as long as the drivers are installed.
9. Run TPSparkyRoot.bat and follow instructions.
NOTE: If for some reason the Hardware ID’s are different for your device just grab the string from device manager and replace the ones I have above with yours in the .inf file and it should work. It would be nice if others who try it with the drivers would report back if this method works with those drivers.
Thanks choekstr, I have the CX-919 and I couldn’t get the USB drivers to install. Your method worked and now I have a rooted device 🙂
Hello, I’m trying to do all the steps right, but does not work. The drivers of the first post if you let me install them manually, but when running TPSparkyRoot.bat not find the device. And if I try to install the drivers from the last post, just do not install them.
I need help please.
I cannot get past your password… I’ve triple checked my typing and tried several versions of the password listed. No go.
password should be GEEKBUYING.COM
sorry for that.
Perfect instructions, choekstr!!
Thank you very much! It worked great for me.
Please post new links as dropbox accounts have been disabled
thx choekstr,,work on my Pipo M9 Pro