iMito QX1 is the quad core model from imito, powered by Rockchip RK3188 cortex A9 chip,and Mali 400 mp4 GPU, 2GB RAM and 8GB storage,if you want to root your imito qx1, here is the instruction:
iMito QX1 is the quad core model from imito, powered by Rockchip RK3188 cortex A9 chip,and Mali 400 mp4 GPU, 2GB RAM and 8GB storage,if you want to root your imito qx1, here is the instruction:
have you a link to the stock rom?
can we get a link to the stock roms?
the password of the rar file is not correct
Yes, also worked.
see here:
We changed to another download link, try again, the password is NOT GEEKBUYING.COM!
Link to the stock rom would be GREAT so we can roll back to factory default if something goes bad. Thanks!
Dropbox is reporting: “This account’s public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!”
changed,please check.
Is it in stock already the Imito QX1?/
Yes, it’s in stock already!
Not working –> error: device not found
Windows 8
running adb devices gives blank
tried adding VID to adb_usb.ini still device not seen
Pressed reset and connected via micro USB then installed driver, shows up n device manager ok.
RockChip Batch Tool sees it ok.
This tool works, minor mistake on my part I flashed the 1080p rom and then did not set the debug option….it works as promised….
the paswoord doesnt work cant you remove the password
Driver doesn’t work with Windows 7 Ultimate.
is your win7 32 bit or 64 bit?
Hi Eric,
My Win7 is 32 bit. I’ve also tried on a 64 bit Win 8 machine I have, with the same result. Windows won’t accept the driver for the device. I’ve tried through device manager (manually setting the driver for the device) or right-clicking the .inf and choosing install. Neither approach works. Bummer! I’ll try with an old XP box when I get a few moments.
Please let me know the password.
Thank you.
The password is either or GEEKBUYING.COM
I cannot install the Rockchip driver at all. Windows couldn’t find the driver and right-click install on the inf file fails. Windows 7 Pro 32-bit.
I cannot find a way to root my QX1, I checked USB debugging mode and tried to install TPSparkyRoot on three different computers (all windows 7).
I device manager I can see Android driver is missing..
Can someone please tell me what I can do to root my QX1? Thanks in advance!
Please help me, my PC keeps telling me “device not found”. Device manager tells me the Android driver has a problem. What can I do to root my QX1? Many thanks in advance!
Seems you don’t install the driver correctly? what is your windows system? win 7 or xp? 32bit or 64bit?
Just remove the password,please try to download again!
Dear Eric, when I plug the device into the USB it installs everything except “Android”. I currently have Windows 7 (x64), I also tried to right-click on the .ini file and install the driver. It keeps telling me “Device not found”. My devices manager shows that the Android driver is not correctly installed. I’m really stuck on this one.. What can I do?
I had problem setting up drivers to root qx1 on my windows 8 x64 desktop too.
On last attempt i used google androidsdk drivers for force installing through device manager. And it worked. Have now rooted my device. Before installing these drivers my qx1 used to show up in device manager as ‘Android’. But now its shown as Android ADB composite device.
Hope this helps guys stuck on rooting.
Yes it worked! Many thanks 🙂
I flashed the 720p kernel with 2GB of storage for apps, however, my Skype is not working. It just immediately ends the call, either video or non-video. Is it a bug of the custom firmware?
Also does anyone know if gamepads are completely supported? I bought Gangster Vegas and I have a Trust gamepad. The buttons, however, do not seem to work. What can I do?
Thanks for all the help!
The password is GEEKBUYING.COM (in caps), not in lower-case letters like Eric keeps saying.
The password is in all caps (so GEEKBUYING.COM). lower case will not work.
Hi everyone,
I just got the Imito QX1-
It’s my first device and I want to root so I can update the firmware.
I tried to install the drivers on a Windows XP and WIndows 8 64 bit and in both computers the system doesn’t recognize the drivers.
I saw a post where someone used Android SDK to force install the drivers- Can someone can explain a bit on how to use it?
in the Android website it says that it’s only for Google Phones- is that correct?
how do I force install?
There seem to be a couple of customers that have issues with the driver (me too :-).
Eric, could you be so kind and post a driver (or just put it on the dropbox)
Thx, Peter
You can get the driver here:
Did anyone have a booting problem? My iMito freeze on the iMito QX1 sign and that’s it. Please help if anyone knows how the fix it. Stock Rom no Root.
dodjasz: I had a similar problem with freezing and rebooting. Found it was the wall wart that was causing the problem. If you’re using that, try a different wall adapter.
How can I root my imito qx1, I can’t get the drivers installing there not working. Can someone please help me?
Hi, Unable to install device drivers hence the drive does not show up in my computer and theres this checksum error in the encrypted file RK3188 root
Please help