Good News:
Hyundai T7 New Andoird 4.2 Beta Firmware(0503) Release! What’s the newest Android 4.2 version brings out?
1. Improve system speed, enhance system compatibility and stability;
2. Show a wealth of improvements and upgrades, give the user more nuanced human experience;
3. Multiple accounts, a tablet can be turned into exclusive entertainment tool for multiple users;
4. More features new application to unlock the interface;
5. Integrating more functional applications.
How to upgrade Hyundai T7? Look here:
1. Download firmware from here:
The password is
2 Follow the Firmware Upgrade English Instruction Here:
Shopping link for Hyundai T7 is here:
can it be used on T7S too?
NO, just for T7 now.
help me
Screens were stripe
did Regiment
The keys do not work
Battery can not be removed
13 files?
hi nima,
try flash it again … press buttons together -vol and power then push the reset at the bottom there.
after reboot if still hang push the reset again
warn u all will be in Chinese after u flash … so u have to figure how to change to English 🙂
good luck !
thanks WKK
The new ROM is installed
13 files in a folder?
2 files :” bootloader_mmc.bin” and “ramdisk-recovery-uboot.img” No folder
“power ” + “+vol” There is no return
Hi Alex,
It cannot used on T10, and T10 we will update the firmware, pls pay attention to it.
Yes, it can be used. We have try it.
Yes, there has upgrade method inside it.
Newwwww!!!! release in hyundai webpage….. please review it!!!!.
See this: