This is the custom rom which made for Tronsmart T428 quad core tv sticks, and it is not offical release by tronsmart or rockchip,it is made by strauzo, a great geeks, and he put a lot of effors to this rom,and he also the first one to solve the video frame skipping problems.
All Credit To This Guy!! He is the Man!
Then,here we go:
We just tested.
Wifi working,and improve a lot !
bluetooth working
and the most important, it fixed the video frame skipping in this tv sticks.
but it also have some little bugs, like you cann’t go back with your right mouse button.
However, if you are really annoying for that video frame skipping problem, this rom is a best choice.
and I have to report the progress for the offical fix of this problem.
After receive you guys report, we have sent lots of time to talk with Tronsmart engineer, and even Rockchip staff directly, Rockchip has known the problem and release some patches to fix this problem yesterday, now I am just wait for a beta firmware from Tronsmart for their device, and will share with you guys. Glad to know this problem can be solved by firmware upgrade!
Stay tuned with us.
Back to the topic, here is some screenshot we just made with this newest firmware:
Here is a easy instruction for how to install this custom rom:
1 Download the file from our link;
2 Decompress the download file, and run “RKAndroidTool.exe” this file on the download folder;
3 Press the recovery button on Tronsmart T428, and at the same time connect the Tronsmart T428 with you PC, and your PC will inform you find a new device, and you should follow the instruction to install the drives. and the tool will inform you Found RKAndroid….
4 Now you should choose the dev files as the following instruction:
after you choose the correct file, you should click the RUN button blow;
k-r42 uses the same Rockchip 3188, is it possible to use this rom for k-r42?
droidote work very well on this rom. if you want there is also a new nexus rom with sdk 2
t428 is the first android mini pc wih compete sdk 2
thanks to strauzo
Agreed, awesome work again… the first Nexus rom was stable,
thank you…. but please make this UNROOTED so I can try to get SkyGo working 🙂
Nyko game pad not work with any of it getting it that its connected and after 5 sec disconecting for me useless
Thanks for the great job,It works smoothly but didn’t support USB audio out.
Is there any solution to solve this problem?
Seems to be working good but I can’t get hardware acceleration in xbmc to work with 1080P. Can anyone tell me what XBMC version to load with this rom for smooth 1080P in XBMC please.
Thank you.
Can you post a working link for the firmware download please. I need to try as existing firmware is rubbish. WIFI does still not work properly on my device after trying lots of different firmware.
The link for this ROM on Dropbox is blocked, any other place to get it from?
Will transfer to other place, and update the link.
We are transfering the firmware to another source, and will update the download link soon.please wait.
Please inform of the best way to get 1080P working smooth in XBMC with this release. MX Player technique still not very smooth but better.
xbmc works crap at the moment for HD anyway
Well, I have an OUYA and have it working Flawlessly with XBCM and True 1080P streaming movies…smooth as butter. I think I’d like to return my T428. Seems like the T428 was just a pipe dream. I’d rather buy another $100 OUYA at this point or anything else that works for that matter. Thought the T428 was suppose to be a powerhouse but the actual results are disappointing for real world use. Antutu score doesn’t mean much if a “some what advanced” user can’t even use the full capacity of the hardware. All the short comings really should have been worked out before release. It’s been a while since and it still has major issues.
There is no stop button on this version.
How to solve thIS problem?
Please wait for the new custom rom release.
So who is making this custom rom and what are the details?
Will this rom fix the video jitter in HD videos?
yes, this rom solve the video jitter problem.
Does this Rom also have the previous improvements included i.e. (i) recognise external drives (ii) support usb audio in and usb audio out (iii) usb camera working ? If not I will wait for the official Rom. Many thanks.
Any news of the official rom from Tronsmart/Rockchip? Thanks
Erik u realy have to push them….
Its realy disgraceful how tronsmart treat their customers/buyers.
Very good and stable FW, many thanks to Strauzo. Need a clear turn of and restart option.
thank for this FW ! do you have a solution to fix the right mouse button bug ?
Can i use usb2ethernet ? I cannot see an ethernet option 🙁
Hi Eric – any news of the official tronsmart Rom update?
Dear all, In the absence of any response from Geekbuying and in order to try and help anyone – I ended up answering my own questions on this rom. I have tried this one and it from what I can see:
It had sound problems playing some videos (no sound)
Playback of video files was OK but no better than the arctablet rooted rom (see below)
Did not support USB audio
Did not support USB Camera
Very limited support of external drive (some work, some don’t)
For the arctablet rooted rom check out the following and see the link/comments from arctablet. It works best for me so far on the T428 though I have no interest in netflix or xbmc which seems to be an issue for others. It supports all my external drives, usb audio, usb camera, plays youtube videos hd quality almost perfectly, plays local video files very well (but not as smooth as youtube for some reason):
Hope that helps someone !
What happened to the beta software patches you mentioned 25 July 2013 ? Has Tronsmart abandoned this device now?
Have tronsmart died or something ? It’s awfully quiet around them?
Let’s face it. This thing is crap!
And geekbuying delete all your posts if they dont like them…
Why don’t we have a new update i bought this stick around 100 dollar!!! And i want it to work perfect, where is the damn new update!!!
I realy whant to send it back now… why is nothing happening? ? ? Eric ? ? ?
“After receive you guys report, we have sent lots of time to talk with Tronsmart engineer, and even Rockchip staff directly, Rockchip has known the problem and release some patches to fix this problem yesterday, now I am just wait for a beta firmware from Tronsmart for their device, and will share with you guys. Glad to know this problem can be solved by firmware upgrade!”
Eric!!!! this is almost 6 months ago now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
Sorry for making you so angry, but the tronsmart t428 already get a lot of custom rom support and make it working like charm. so what is your problem? check the custom rom on