Finally we get the real 1080p output firmware for K-R42 quad core tv box.all credit to Lewy20041!!
Firmware Download Link
-spoofed as Galaxy SIII
-gamepad button on statusbar opens “Tincore Key Mapper” (you can play games like bad pieggies with mouse)
-build.prop tweaks
-gameloft fix
-2gb app space
-changed bootanimation
-deleted usles apps
-better webcam support (logitech webcams like c525 wasnt working before, now it works like a charm)
-bootsound suport (put any .mp3 into system/media and rename it to android_audio.mp3 it will be played at bootanimation screen.)
-auto install advancedsettings.xml for smooth 1080p videa playback in XBMC
-Default launcher option under HFW settings>Special (Chouse which launcher you want to use as default)
-nfs support
-init.d support
-added HFW version under settings>about device
-added some nice apps:
*ES Explorer (ver. before layaut change)
*Youtube for GTV 1.6 (due to login problems on 1.7.1)
-new settings (HFW Settings)
*Performance (you can change CPU clocks)
*Equalizer (need some testing)
*SuperSU (now it wil show here insted of app drawer)
*Terminal (//-//-//-)
*Xbmc Installer (//-//-//-)
-unlocked hiden options:
-new modules:
*ntfs.ko added
*virtual touchscreen.ko (720p)
-some visual changes
-modules package [provided with the rom package]
-disabled hdmi check for apps like “Xfinity, HBO GO”
-new visual (system bar etc.)
-power button on system bar
-clean home screen from usles shourtcats and widgets
-new wallpaper
-ic_sysbar_highlight changed to cyan
-ic_sysbar_lights_out_dot changed to transparent (no dots on status bar when waching movie on mx player etc.)
-deleted search bar from home
Unable to install using provided manual
Nor those the one posted online… [root and firmware upgrade]
Hold recovery button and I get a Android background with some recovery options
Sadly, non seem to work
*rk batch tool ; only gets pink color never green
I have the cs918 please assist….
Where could I find the kernel source so I can compile my own custom kernel modules for the k-r42? Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the update it works well however when you enter XBMC under SYSTEM>SETTINGS>SYSTEM>AUDIO … The field at the bottom reads “Error…receiver not found” this is an issue with almost every version of XBMC
A friend of mine owns a different box and the special edition XBMC passes Dolby Digital and DTS sound through HDMI!! If you can get the new ROM/Firmware to passthrough Dolby digital and DTS sound you would be truly ahead of the game…Thanks again for your efforts keep up the great work!!!!!!
Would this kernel source for the RK3188 work for building modules for the K-R42 Kingnovel?
No 1080p with cs918. Thought they were the same…
Does it have the DLNA support? What player is pre-installed? The eHome Media?
Yes,it support DLNA, yes, ehome media.
it installs and works fine, don’t know how other posters are having problems, I think you are doing something wrong.
However video is very shaky. if Rom makers want to improve things make the videos more stable, it is almost unwatchable. I am going back to July 20 Rom, that seems to be the best and most stable for the cs918.
I have to take back my earlier post… the ROM does work. However, when I pass HDMI signal to my receiver Im getting a bunch of noise in the signal (red specks everywhere). When I go directly to my TV, I don’t have the problem. With any other device (PS3, BOXEE) I dont have any issues with the HDMI switching… Im not sure if this is an issue with the ROM or the device itself. I remember getting all the red noise when I would try to switch to 1080P before the rom, as well.
Im back after further review and testing XBMC is just not fully optimized for this device its going to take a while before you can come up with a stable ROM/Firmware to compliment the lastest version of XBMC playback is still choppy im SMH … this device has so much potential im thinking geekbuying needs its own optimized version of XBMC to get this device to sell 10x more than what it has sold. Optimize XBMC to go with the full 1080p HD rom and you guys would be ahead of the game what a shame…P.S. LEW please remove the boot screen or splash screen i rather have it just say ANDROID the new logo looks corny please remove asap no need to let people know its a geekbuying product the blue x looks ugly sorry no disrespect lets keep it looking clean and once you guys put together an optimized version of XBMC 1080p you are golden! Dont let the other beat you guys to it …
I could not use the (iR) remote control with this fw.
Could someone help in this?
Does this ROM have the pre-installed RKremotecontrol as in the stock ROM? I updated my box with this ROM and am not able to locate the RKremotecontrol. How to get this one, as I believe there is no apk version of RKremotecontrol available?
Works Great!! Thnx voor het hard work! Love the box even more now!!! 😀
@Rich Brown, I use the latest monthly 13.0 release of XBMC and all the HD video’s play fluent.
I updated with this ROM and it works great for me. Only thing I still concerned is the 5.1 audio which I think still does not give real 5.1 output. I feel 5.1 is very important and without that Netflix, Plex, XBMC becomes useless with my Bose Lifestyle. I have to go back to me HTPC to get the real experience. Please help in resolving this 5.1 audio, I tested with Plex and also there are lot of youtube 5.1 audio test that you can run. I get 2.1 for sure but the rear left can be heard in front left and rear right on front right.
Thank you juny I will try that version and evaluate.
No mouse function on the included IR remote ? Anyone else facing this big drawback !?! Please
No flash player. not able to install adobe flash player. Appreciate any help on this.
Thanks a lot! works great.
My only concern is the inability to passthrough 5.1 audio through HDMI. Is there anyway I could passthrough AC3/DTS multichannel audio via HDMI ? Any patch available?
Any help regarding this matter is highly appreciated.
Hi there,
I’ve installed this firmware and have 1080p in XBMC output. However, all my network interface do not work now.
I’ve got K-R42 unit 3 days ago. Ethernet worked perfect. I’ve installed this firmware and Ethernet started to act strange. It could obtain or not IP address. It changes MAC every time I reboot unit. It see the network (when get IP address) but do not going to internet. I switched ON Wi-Fi. It works for one day. Then it says my network is out of range. It sits next to router and if I scan for networks it see it. As soon as I type password it goes out of the range. so both interfaces do not work. Other devices (2 mobiles, laptop and desktop) works fine. I’ve changed/ plugged in to different Ethernet port/cable – no luck.
Any ideas what’s wrong?
Thanks in advance.
the link is failing please add some mirrors (Mediafire,Putlocker, or sockshare), good Job!!!
my android media player never turns off, i press the on/off botton on the top and just flash and with the control is the same, other detail is dont’ support a 750 gb external drive maybe is the insufficient power. i will try with a hub with external alimentation
Since I installed chainfire application the smart box is unable to reboot. So it sticks on Android logo and thats it.
Unable to restore factory settings.
Can you send me a manual how to reinstall this firmware?
Do you have the rom as I think my otg has gone…:-(
Yesterday, my K-R42 arrived and it booted into android in 720p. I wanted to upgrade the firmware to this version, and the flashing succeeded (recover). However, now it does not boot anymore. I do not get a signal on hdmi. I followed these steps:
-unpack arhive (anywhere)
-start \RKBatchTool\RKBatchTool.exe
-put device into flash mode (conect otg to pc and box, press and hold buton and conect device to adapter 5v 2a)
-install proper drivers when windows ask from \Drivers\ folder
-when you wil see number 1 in green box select “…” button in right top corner of RKBatchTool
-navigate to HFW_vx.x.x.img
-pres restore button in RKBatchTool
Did I miss something? Is my box bricked? I can still flash firmwares the same way, but the result is the same.
kind regards
Same problem here with the firmware upgrade. Everything in the flash tool went successfully but now I have a black screen and the box is no longer responsive.
are you flashing on the K-R42? and if you get the K-R42 from Geekbuying? because there are too many copied in market, i guess you the copied version.
Still no video output.
Yes I am flashing the K-R42 and only downloaded files pointed to from Geekbuying.
I have no problem recognizing the K-R42 and flashing. The flash process progresses to completion with no errors. My problem was after one (1) day of using the unit, this ROM and any other ROM pointed to by Geekbuying will flash but there is no output. Thinking it might be a problem with the video falling back to legacy composite, I even tried to connect the composite connection but still no video out.
This was a %100 functioning unit until the first FLASH attempt, now now output.
This is the output log from the RKBatchTool when flashing using the ROM [ K-R42_HFW_1.2.0_Final_1080p.img ] referenced in this message thread.
**********Restore Action**********
**********Restore Start Total**********
Test Device Start
Test Device Success
Lowerformat Device Start
Lowerformat Device Success
Test Device Start
Test Device Success
Check Chip Start
Check Chip Success
Get FlashInfo Start
Get FlashInfo Success
Prepare IDB Start
Prepare IDB Success
Download IDB Start
Download IDB Success
Reset Device Start
Reset Device Success
Wait For Loader Start
Wait For Loader Success
Test Device Start
Test Device Success
Download Firmware Start
Download Firmware Success
Reset Device Start
Reset Device Success
**********Restore Done Success Fail Timems**********
My last post was deleted. Just because after trying every rom posted the unit fails video output, and I commented that returning this back to China was difficult. The post was deleted.
Not cool!
Take the good with the bad “GEEKBUYING”
After posting my previous comment, I now see the entry I stated was deleted. It was not deleted, just “Your comment is awaiting moderation. ” and since it was not positive, it will probably never be posted which is the same as deleted.
Hello everyone,
I have a WD My Book Live external HDD. This HDD is connecting to my router via Ethernet. As I know I need CIFS support in kernel.
My question is; does this firmware contain module cifs.ko? /I like to use CifsManager or Mount Manager on Google Play/
Thank you for your answer!
Best regards,
I was wondering if development for this device has stopped completely?
It seems like we’re left with an unfinished product now.
I still can’t play 1080p content fluently nor does it play any DTS audio.
please check on, there are some new custom rom support there . and try the beyond xbmc.
me also unit fails video output pls help any solution….
After loading this ROM mine too went black screen. I installed other ROM. This one works. Here is the link
Please upgrade the official rom to Kitkate 4.4.2
like you are doing for other TV BOXS
I want to still want to leave a comments; as there is no support for the manufacturer for this device. for further update on the rom, as they will not up grade to LP 5.01 or any.
this custom is pieces of crap, and dont work properly.
Moreover if you see this comments this mean u bought a piece of crap to… good luck
While I fully agree that supplier support is just not there, at least Rockchip (?) is doing a lot of mainlining work. Kernel 3.18 boots (!) but is not yet stable and has no video output.
I will only ever by an ARM mini PC when there is mainline support and I understand Kernel compilation process.