hi guys:
Here is the newest custom rom for tronsmart MK908II. Special for Geekbuying customers!
Base on the latest release of stock rom , and here is the changelog:
I put back the AOSP Android launcher and status bar.
If you want that launcher, I will provide it in a zip.
1) Rooted and new SU and Superuser applied that supports Android 4.2.2
2) Stock ROM was only 2 Gig of APP space.
BUT you also have parameter file options!
There are also 1gb, 2gb, 4gb and 6gb options.
Read below for how to change that in the flash tool.
Realize if you use this 6gb option, internal SDcard will only have about 600 megs of free space!
3) Debloated of junk APPs and Google Apps you can get from Google Play.
I also updated Google Play and required Google APPs to the latest version.
4) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!
5) I re-enabled location services. This is now in the settings menu.
Tested and working with all APPs that use it.
Remember to turn off GPS as we have no GPS.
6) I also re-enabled accessibility options in settings.
7) Gameloft fix. Rockchip sources now have this fix in!
They We at Freaktab learned this fix from Chistian Tory. Then FreakTab dev’s passed it on to Minix, then this got to Rockchip!
Amazing! All RockChip ROMs have had this GameLoft issue for 3 years. Now because of us Android lovers, RockChip finally fixed this!
I am proud as I am sure all FreakTab Dev’s are, to have helped Android progress even from Chip makers like RockChip!
Eventually they do listen to us users
If your going to use the communities developers to help you, THEN HELP US! Do the right thing!
Sorry folks… Rant over…
8) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will show up in google play as Samsung device nopt a MK908 or RKSDK! Understand this please.
I also left the original build.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old
Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a 908ii.
WARNING if you do this, you need to be using the 1080 kernel or your screen will be oversized!
9) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).
10) 1080P Kernel if you want it! Tronsmart released a 1080 kernel but faked it back to 720.
I have unpacked it from boot and made it a choice in this ROM package.
See instructions below for how to choose the correct boot.img and kernel.img
720P boot and kernel is the default setup in my flash tool.
For more information ALWAYS read the README in the ROM kit!
Here are the links for 1.5 ROM
ROM -> Tronsmart MK908ii Finless 1.5 ROM (269 megs)
All Credit to BOB Finless!!
Yes but how i can make the update if i have windows 8.1?
Rockchip hasn’t released the official usb drivers for windows 8.1, but some people find this can work:
please try it.
Thanks for this new ROM but the link does not seems to work : “Not Found
The requested URL /finless/tronsmart_mk908ii_finless_15.zip was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”
Fixed, please check.
That metod don.t work for me!!
Hi , i have a pb when i’m in 1080p, the screen freeze every 5 sec and become black during 0,5 sec , in 720p np
Can you help me?
Thanks for the Finless 1.5a ROM. It installed OK.
In your “Readme first” file, you explain how to change “video.use.overlay=0” to “1”.
When I try to save the file, it tells me that I don’t have enough space.
I created a new file, copied the changed content of build.prop into it, saved it and renamed it to build.prop. This worked.
After the reboot, the icons did not resize, but the screen resized (became smaller, leaving black space at the top and right of the screen). Then I changed the line back to “..=0” and updated the “=160”, to “=240”. After reboot I had a screen that was exactly the same as the orginal 720p ROM.
So I am wondering: If I use this setting, is there any advantage of running this 1080p kernel instead of the 720p kernel?
Hi Eric
Does the Finless 1.5/a allow orientation to be set permanently in Portrait mode?
Any solution for the new Rk3188-T chipset .. ? please
very new owner of the tronsmart MK908II, I’d like to know if the finless 1.5a ROM includes the ASIX AX88178 and AX88179 drivers. It is the USB2/USB3 to Giga ethernet adaptator.
If it is not the case, do you plan to include them in your next ROM ? with a KitKat distrib perhaps ? ;o)
it will be very nice ;o)
Thanks a lot
I’ve bought a mk908ii and changed its rom to finless 1.5a and I’m very pleased with it 🙂
The only problem is that I can’t get my logitech c170 webcam to work in skype…
Can anyone give a hint in the right direction?
Best regards.-