HI Guys:
You must wait for looooooooooong time for this custom rom, with the help of Bob Finless, we finally can post this custom rom for the Tronsmart T428. though this device has been out of stock, but we still would love to offer the support for the users who bought it. so here we go:
1) Properly rooted using SuperSU. What does properly mean?
Android 4.4.2 requires SU to be running as a deamon now. There are many ways to run this as a damon.
Most roots so far are using a install-recovery.sh script or if init.d is enabled, a init.d script.
This means you could lose root if messing with these scripts which some rooted apps do!
What I have done is started the damon in init.rc thus eliminating the need for boot scripts!
This took me a while to learn to do! Enjoy a BETTER ROOT!
2) Stock ROM was only 1 Gig of APP space.
BUT you also have parameter file options!
There are also 1gb, 2gb, 4gb and 6gb options.
Read below for how to change that in the flash tool.
I made the default 2GB
3) Debloated of junk APPs and Google Apps you can get from Google Play.
There was quite a few useless hidden apps in this kitkat release! Some of them did not even work.
I also updated Google Play and required Google APPs to the latest versions.
4) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!
This time around due to updated security in 4.4, init.d was a lot harder to get working.
Again I had to figure it out!
5) I dumped the crappy modified kitkat launcher that was in this and used the AOSP stock kitkat launcher.
This gives you the transparent status bars back.
6) Rotation is now locked in this ROM No APP needed.
7) Calendar app was not working. I replaced it with the AOSP Google Calendar APP.
8) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will show up in google play as Samsung device not a T428 or RKSDK! Understand this please.
I also left the original build.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old
Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a 908.
WARNING if you do this, you need to be using the 1080 kernel or your screen will be oversized!
9) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).
10) A working TWRP recovery!
Special thanks to Freaktab developer Abdul_pt for working on this. He did all the hard work!
I had to modify it to work fully on this TV stick so it could be flashed with a ROM.
11) Kernel choices:
Special thanks to Freaktab user D33 for making this awesome kernels.
There is a 720 and 1080 3188 kernel OC’ed to 1.8mhz
There are also 720 and 1080 kernels for the 3188T clocked to 1.4mhz
The 720 3188 kernel is the default.
12) Boot choices!
There is a boot720 that is to be used with 720 kernels
OPTIONAL boot1080 that you can use with a 1080 kernel if you want large 720 style desktop icons!
If you use the boot720 with a 1080 kernel you will have smaller icons
DO NOT use the boot1080 with a 720 kernel or your desktop icons will be messed up!!!!
13) Other little fixes here and there.
firmware Download link
In first!
What awesome luck that I came in on the day this was released…
Just wanted to post for those having issues with windows 8.1 and getting the device to recognise…try the following:
Also it doesn’t seem that USB Audio works? can we get a fix for this?
Thank you for your support.
Much better than stock one. Tnx a lot
Great update but where is the Miracast Wifi Display that was in the last version? I cant mirror my phone with this version.
Help please.
Where’s the WiFi display for mirroring?
Well, I wanted to say that this was the best ROM so far but, unfortunately, Netflix and Skygo are not working anymore. And now, I cant go back to 4.2 from kitkat 🙁 So just avoid to install this ROM if you want to see Netflix