Hi Guys glad to receive the new Firmware for M8 Amlogic S802 Quad Core Android TV BOX, which has solve the problems we have met before, share with all of you today.
Below is the change log:
1. with XBMC new version 13.1 installed
2. the screen problem with video playback when the resolution is not 1080P
3. support 4K*2K video now
Download link: M8 Amlogic S802 version 0617
password: geekbuying.com
Update instruction:
Download the firmware from the above link. decompress the file.
Prepare a SD card, and format the card, copy the file to SD Card – Make sure your device is powered off and power cable removed.
Insert SD card with extracted files in root directory
Connect your M8 tv box with your TV or monitor via HDMI, so you can check on the screen;
Insert a match or a toothpick to reset button – you will feel a click. (the reset button is in the AV hole in the back)
Power on the M8 tv box by inserting power cable, while holding the match in the reset hole.
it will boot to recovery and now connect a USB mouse with your m8 tv box, and choose update from ext, and then choose update from external sd card, and apply the update.
The system will inform you when the update finished, and then reboot the M8 tv box, and finish the update.
That’s all.
Any questions, feel free to contact us.
Geekbuying CM Team
Does this firmware fix the problem with no video on older 720p only TVs.
Have tried on over 10 older Tvs that were sold before 1080p was invented and none of them work.
Pingback: [ROM Download] Custom Rom for M8 S802 Square Android TV BOX - Geek Gadgets
Are the unit available in 20 sets from Shenzhen, China? I can have our logistic team bring it in to the USA from there. What would the cost per set of 20 be?
You can contact: deal@geekbuying.com. Thank you!
Thank you for keeping this update infos coming!
When i extract the rar file its fails at around 98% it says checksum errror in the encrypted file corrupt file or wrong password. The password i have entered it correct.
I managed to fix the extracting problem. But now when I flash the firmware its says signature verification failed during upgrade. Can some one help me out.
Can I use this firmware for the csm8 tv box? It has the same specs but not sure. The problem with non 1080p exists on the csm8 as well. Thanks
Sorry,you can’t. They are not the same device, use the different hardware.please don’t flash this firmware on csm8.
You are welcome 🙂
I just received this product in the mail.. But i have a couple of questions if we flash the firmware will it erase all the settings on the phone back to default. I ask because I would want to does this first before setting anything up on it??? and then have to do it again
The only way to FLASH the firmware is with a micro SD card.. So i can not use a THUMB DRIVE to flash it?
Is there an App we can install on our phone so it can be used as a remote control for the M8 TV box?
Hello. Thank you so much for the New firmware, Im trying to figure out how to add a ps3 or xbox controllers to this M8 AMLOGIC S802 QUAD CORE ANDROID TV BOX for emulators like nesoid or snesoid ect. If I have to root please provide links. Thank you again. Keep up the great work
Please try this custom rom to have the XBOX 360 controller support: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?14437-NEW-Finless-1-7-for-EM8-Square-Box
I am not sure if my TV box has already this update installed, how can I check?
go to setting, and check the about device, and check the built number.
I received my M8 AMLOGIC S802 from Geekbuying. Everything is going like a charm but I have a little problem with the size of windows. It’s a little bit greater like my TV screen(Panasonic Viera) and I can’t see all the details in top and bottom. The size is setting NORMAL. How can I fix it?
Please click Mboxsetting, and choose display, and change the screen size.
I fund how to fix the size. In settings go to Display and you can adjust size up to 100%.
I need help setup my M8 tv box, no picture on the A/V output?
the av port should work, please set the correct output resolution.
Has anyone have issues viewing movie trailers in the play store? i can here the audio but no video.
hi, my M8 tv box firmware, kernel version: 3:10:33 is this the new version firmware? I can not upgrade to my M8 tv box with this firmware “M8 Amlogic S802 version 0617”. it keeps gave me error message “E: failed to read data from /sdcard/K200-ota-20140616.zip (I/O error)
E: signature verification failed
try this one:
it is the newest stock firmware for m8
Is there any way to get this box to just boot to the basic Android screen like a tablet?
go to settings, there is Home setting, and just choose android launcher.
There is some image of linux for the M8 TvBox? Or at least another image with a more natural main page of android. I prefeer linux.
there is only linux xbmc for this model ( means you can directly boot to xbmc ,but system is linux) see it here:
I have this Android box and seem to be having a problem with PowerAMP player. I thought is was just that app but now the problem also occurs outside of that app. When I skip between tracks I’m getting a loud noise that sounds like large metal table being dragged across a hard floor. Upon leaving PowerAMP to run Catlog Player it was doing the same noises each time I selected something. I have reinstalled Poweramp and I had also updated to your new firmware update above but still endure the same problem. The tracks it was doing it on were mostly 48Khz as the 44.1Khz were not doing it. Still – it did happen outside that app so any fix or advice?
I’ve just received the M8 TvBox. I’m having problems with the 1080p playback in Netflix. Can this firmware solve this? The firmware I have is: KOT49H.20140807, kernel 3.10.33 ubuntu@ubuntu188#8. This is the last firmware?