Hi as the MK808B has been changed with new Wifi chipset. The new ones use the Realtek RTL8723 wifi module, so you also need the new firmware.
Download link: MK808B New Firmware
Password: geekbuying.com
How to tell if you get the new bulk or old bulk?
It’s very easy, the new bulk with RTL8723 chip will have the series number in the mk808b, such like the following photo:
Update on 17th July, some customer said the stock firmware have video stutter problem when you use XBMC, so here is a custom rom which fix this problem
MK80B with realtek wifi
Hi Eric
I have one of your devices with rtl 8723. I need to show Netflix on this one, xbmc is also jittering.
Can you show me a rom to downgrade this to Android 4.1.1?
faulty wifi and Bluetooth, eager to check admin