How To Flash Stock Firmware For RK3288 TV BOX / Tablet PC?  (Newest Flash Tools Download Available)
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How To Flash Stock Firmware For RK3288 TV BOX / Tablet PC? (Newest Flash Tools Download Available)

RK3288 is the newest powerful cpu from Rockchip company. There will be a lot of RK3288 device hitting the market soon. This is the common instruction for how to flash the stock firmware for your rk3288 device, including rk3288 tv box, rk3288 tablet pc.

Please note, the method is just working with Windows PC.

Step 1: Download the newest Rockchip Firmware Flash Tool here ( password:, Decompress the download file, you will get this:


Then click ” AndroidTool_Release_v2.3″, you’ll see this:


Click “AndroidTool.exe” this is the tools you need. click this .exe file, you will see this:


Step 2: Connect Your Rockchip rk3288 device with your windows PC, open the usb debug in setting.

Step 3: Follow the instruction here, and install the drivers in your PC.

Step 4: Download the stock firmware for your rk3288 device to your windows PC;

Step 5: If the stock firmware you get is just one update.img file, you should follow this instruction:

click Update firmware button in this photo:


Clcik ” Firmware” load the download rk3288 device stock firmware. and then click Upgrade.

If you get several img file, which including kernel.img, receovery.img, etc. you should use the following menu to flash:


Click the Path and choose the download img file.

There are also some Advanced function in this tool, you can unpack the update.img file to different kernel.img, boot.img, receovery.img etc. which you might use it in firmware developing.



So above is the basic instruction for how to flash the stock firmware for rk3288 device, if you met any problem when flash the firmware, feel free to leave comment beflow.







  1. Eric, please Contact me via Email or PM me at / mrkus21 / Global Moderator. Thanks a lot.

  2. How to put mk903v into download mode to update firmware?? You skipped this step in your tutorial

  3. hi there, Markus
    I passed over your presentation of option for Android tool. Well all clear, but…

    I just recently bought Rikomagic MK902II basing on on RK 3288. While obviously my box has many bugs, manufacturer anounced several updates inclusive the Rikomagic MK902II RKBatchTooland related WIN drivers. I installed drivers (ok with some troubles) but I get drivers installed. Whatever I do I can not get connected to RK batch tool. No devices are shown connected what ever I do. So I found one discussion saying that Androifdtool can be used as well. I tried with version v2.3 and really get one device connected. I followed similar procedure as you proposed but I get error back after first step “checking”… do you have any idea how to resolve this problem or you know some other solution?

    thanks in advance Tazo

  4. Prashanth Venkatesh

    Hello. on my mk903V netflix is not working. I can login and see all the shows. But when I try to watch, it is stuck at loading screen. Can you please help?

  5. Hi, I have a Windows 8.1 laptop and the AndroidTool fails to even run. The message from Windows states “This app can’t run on your PC”. So I tried on a Windows 7 VM, and the app runs, but does not detect any devices when I connect the MK903V to the PC via USB. I have installed the drivers as mentioned in your instructions. I notice that the two USB connection sockets on the MK903V both provide power to the device, which one should be connected to the PC? Any hints on how to get the MK903V recognised by AndroidTool?

  6. Hi,
    I have a Windows 8.1 laptop. I have downloaded and installed the Drivers, as detailed above, but when I connect my MK903V to the laptop via USB it is not recognised. When I run the AndroidTool progam it states “No devices detected”. Which USB socket on the MK903V should be connected to the PC? I have tried both, and also applied power to the DC5v in socket when connecting the other to the laptop, but it never sees the device. Advice or suggestions please, I need to try the update because firmware is incredibly buggy!