Hi, glad to share Q7 TV box latest firmware, please check below information:
Download link: Q7 box Latest Firmware
Flash tool: Rockchip BatchTool
Password: geekbuying.com
Flash method:
1, Open the “RKBatchTool.exe” in the BatchTool file, on the top, you will see a “FW Path”, click the button on the right side, and select the “update.img” file in firmware file.
2, Connect the box to the computer with USB cable, press the recover button and then power on, remove your hand from the recover button until it connect successfully that shows in “Connected Devices”
3, Click “Upgrate” to start flash.
Is anyone installed this firmware yet ?
Q7 Android TV Box Bricked – Unable to flash firmware due to “Download Firmware Fail” error
I have recently purchase a Q7 Android TV Box from Geekbuying, http://www.geekbuying.com/item/Q7-TV…ck-324259.html
After pressing the recovery button on the back of the device it will no
longer work, it only displays a black image and remains that way.
After searching through most of the threads related i have decided to flash the firmware .
I am using Rockchip Batch Tool v1.7 to flash the firmware.
The firmware is http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php…/#.Uxp1C4UVAdE.
In order to enter recovery i plugged in the micro usb cable while
holding the recovery button pressed. The square in the Rockchip Batch
Tool turns GREEN and it recognise the device.
After that i clicked Upgrade/Restore. Eventually i receive the error
“Download firmware fail ” in Rockchip Batch tool,
Tried other stock roms and custom roms specifically for my type of device, same error every time : “”Download firmware fail “”
What am i doing wrong? Can it be fixed or is it bricked permanently?
Install the firmware and it was all right. Before and hadmi not connect wifi, but now I not get to see image on TV. Help.
Hi Eric – does this work for all Q7? Mine is “XT-Q7-V10”. I bought it on 2/4/2014.
Hi I have a XT-Q7-V10 too is this the appropriate firmware?
I have a XT-Q7-V10 too, is this the appropriate firmware?