Hi, here are the Teclast X98 Air 3G Dual OS (ID: C5J5) Firmwares. Please click these links to download:Teclast X98 Air 3G Dual OS Firmware Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4.
Password: geekbuying.com
Please download all firmwares, include Bios, brush method and tool.
Have a nice day!
http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php/2015/05/14/teclast-x98-air-3g-dual-os-c5j5-firmwares_-32gb-released-20150514/, missing link of the first part of the firmware C5j5, up please!
we have updated it yesterday ,please check again.
Please upload x98 BIOS teclast C5J5, X98Air3GDual.bin
It is an 8-megabyte .bin file is to update the bios, and make it dual boot
what’s new this Firmware?