TV Boxes & Mini PCs

MK808B JB 4.2.2 Firmware- Finless Custom ROM 2.0 – BETA


This ROM is made by BOB Finless on freaktab and base on the MK808B Android 4.2.2 beta stock firmware we release, so all credit to this guys:


This is ONLY for the Original MK808B. It is not for the MK808B clones.



1) Rooted with an updated SU and Superuser.apk that works with 4.2.2

2) Debloated (there is a folder called bloat APPs that contain what I removed).

3) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!

4) Gameloft fix. This fixes Gameloft games from crashing to the desktop.
Many of them do not run and crash to the desktop. This is due to a license check based on the device.
Special thanks to Christian Troy for inventing this fix. I modded it for this ROM.

5) Phone carrier fix for Google Market unlock (more APPs show up).
For some reason this was not built in like other stock ROMs.

6) I unlocked hidden settings:
-> Accessability
-> Location Services
However unlocking location services causes a battery icon to show in the system tray.
I have not figured out why… it odd for sure. Something to work on later
If you want to get rid of it, edit the file:

7) All Google APPs updated except Google Search

8) Busybox that I like best Wraitdu 1.19.4

9) 1gb and up to 4gb parameter files available for more APP space. 1GB is the default for the flash tool.
Stock ROM had only 512MB APP space.
See below for instruction to use other parameter files to change you APP space

10) I added Xbox360 keylayout to fix some games and camera spin with xbox 360 controller. Per this post here:….php?t=1792531

11) Changed build.prop so USB connaction to PC is a Mass Storage device and not a MTP device.
This ROM has no settings to change that at all (I will fix that later). I prefer a Mass Storage device myself.
You can easily change it back in build.prop. I commented out the MTP line.

12) Petrus reboot APP is added.


Firmware Download LINK


If you want to check the stock mk808b android 4.2.2 firmware, you can visit here

Get Original MK808B from here:—Black-313213.html

Geekbuying Blog


  1. Bluetooth and wifi dont work. In stock 4.2.2 all right.

  2. Avatar photo

    this is just for original mk808B, if your wifi and bluetooth don’t work, then you must have copy one.

  3. hmm..Finless 1.7 for original MK808B works fine. how can i know original or not? in dmesg i see “current wifi chip is RK903″…

  4. Avatar photo

    check on freaktab, there are instruction to teach you how to tell the original and clone.

  5. Avatar photo

    impossible, we have flashed many times, working! please try to flash again.

  6. Ok i try one more time tomorow..

  7. Wifi and bt not working here!
    Mk808B bought from you a few weeks ago!

  8. Seems like it is the ROM for a MK808. Also openscreen is telling MK808.
    I have the original MK808B from you… and with this ROM WIFI is NOT working.

  9. ok .. I tried to download it again, but wifi and bluetooth still does not work!
    On the original firmware 4.2.2 wifi and bluetooth work normally, but the whole system works very slowly!

    Still the best performing version 1.6A Fineless!

    I hope that you will eliminate error as soon as possible …


  10. Tried this ROM, Wifi and BT do not work. They can not be turned on, Rock Settings says Wifi status is Error.

    Ordered my 808B from Geekbuying, and was running the 1.7 rom previously.

    Flashed, didn’t work. Erased IDB and reflashed, didn’t work.

    Also ROM is set to 1080p output, but that looks like coloured pixy dust… needed to reset it to 720p in the screen settings.

  11. me too….flash this rom wifi and bluetooth does not work! but Finless 1.7 can work….why?????

  12. Avatar photo

    hmmm, sorry, we have found the problem, BOB is working on the new working firmware. wait patience. now you can go back to the stock mk808b android 4.2.2 firmware.

  13. Avatar photo

    Sorry for the problem, we have found the reason, and bob is working hard to fix it, please first go back to the original mk808b android 4.2.2 stock firmware, and later we will release the new custom rom for android 4.2 mk808b.

  14. Avatar photo

    sorry, we find the problem, and we are fixing it as soon as possible. wait patience.

  15. I should also have stated, that I don’t have an SD card in, so it has nothing to do with that (I saw that listed as a possible reason for Wifi not working on Freaktab)

  16. Hi all,

    any news regarding the fixed firmware?
    Does wifi and bluetooth works now?

    Where can I find the link to the newest firmware?


  17. Installed this rom, wifi works fine. My cpus are stuck at 1008mhz and its running extremely slow, same thing happened with finless 1.7 does anyone know why im having this issue or how to fix it?


  18. Hi,

    I am flashing my MK808B using the ROM image given above. Going through the steps in the Read Me First, I am stuck on step 4 to get the device into flash mode. The flash tool cannot detect my MK808B. The instructions mention change of settings, but where are these settings – not such menu in the flash tool? Please advise.


  19. Michael Nguyen


    this blog is dated Mar/21/2013

    last post by “Geekbuying Admin” was on Mar/22/2013

    The IMG file within the ‘current” given link is dated Mar/20/2013

    safe to say… BT & WIFI still broke ??

    there are so many links causing some confusion as to which is the correct file to download…etc


  20. Michael Nguyen

    forgot to add…

    what’s with the CPU speed stuck at 1Ghz ??

    cause & solution ??

  21. Finless Bob already solved the problem, WiFi and BT work fine.
    CPUs run at 1608 MHz.

    Link to the updated firmware:

  22. @ Michael Nguyen

    I had the same problem with my MK808B from

    Now BT and Wifi works with this ROM:

    Try it!


  23. Hi,

    I am flashing my MK808B using the ROM image given above. Going through the steps in the Read Me First, I am stuck on step 4 to get the device into flash mode. The flash tool cannot detect my MK808B. The instructions mention change of settings, but where are these settings – not such menu in the flash tool? Please advise.


  24. Does Netflix works on this rom? Mine came with JB 4.2.2 from geekbuying last week. I installed Netflix but video was scrambled.

  25. Avatar photo

    NO, as far as we know, the netflix don’t work with any android 4.2 tv stick, i have tried a lot, no lucky, if you need netflix, just flash back to android 4.1

  26. @ Joerg

    My MK808B cannot boot up and so I cannot access its Settings. I need to go through this flashing process because the device has stopped booting up. How can it be that I need to access the device settings in the flashing process?


  27. @ Nitin

    I understand, but in the instructions README FIRST.TXT you can read following:

    If it does not say that go into settings and make sure that
    a) USB storage is turned ON
    b) Under developer options, USB debugging is turned off

    Why this must be turned off is a miracle of the developer.
    Maybe Geekbuying Admin can help in this case.

    @ Geekbuying Admin … Can you help?


  28. Can I install the XBMC?