Geekbuying MK808B Dual Core TV BOX Android 4.2 New Firmware Release Fix Netflix scrambled problem!
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

Geekbuying MK808B Dual Core TV BOX Android 4.2 New Firmware Release Fix Netflix scrambled problem!

HI guys:

This is the new Android 4.2 Firmware for MK808B, it fixed the Netflix Scrambled Problem when annoying you guys for long time!

Please notice, this firmware just work with Geekbuying Sold MK808B, Flash on the Copied MK808B will make you lose the wifi and bluetooth, Be Careful.

Here is the firmware download link:

password is

Firmware update tool download link:

Here is the screenshot we test for netflix:

Geekbuying MK808B Dual Core TV BOX Android 4.2 New Firmware Release Fix Netflix scrambled problem!

Geekbuying MK808B Dual Core TV BOX Android 4.2 New Firmware Release Fix Netflix scrambled problem!


Shopping link for MK808B is here—Black-313213.html




Geekbuying Blog


  1. Hi. Is this the official firmware or a custom one?

  2. Avatar photo

    this is offical firmware.

  3. Thanks. Are there any features and release notes for this official rom compared to 4.1.1?

  4. Thanks! I have the Netflix problem , but you a tutorial of how to upgrade the firmware? Please

  5. I flashed this ROM yesterday, it is very smooth!

    – Shutdown button built in
    – It remembers network settings. So it always boot with ethernet here 🙂
    – Netflix works
    – Hide toolbar
    – I gained root and installed CWM recovery very easily

    Things i would like to see in next update:
    – Screen go to sleep when idle
    – Some apps in Play store is hidden. it says that ‘my device is not compatible’ 🙁
    – If i hide toolbar then it often looks funny in the bottom of the screen

  6. Is this rom rooted?

  7. Avatar photo

    NO, it don’t come with root, you should root it by yourself.

  8. Thanks. Does it have full init.d support ??

  9. How to root it?

  10. Hi. I have a MK808B bought from Geekbuying but I’m not able to install the drivers. I’m running Win7 64-bit. Any ideas? It just telling me “could not install Unknown device. could not find the drivers”.


  11. same error as before. unable to install. could not find drivers. please, any tip? would really like to install latest firmware.


  12. Hey Eric I too am having this problem I can only get Moborobo to recognize so it must be something to do with Rockchip’s software not the hardware itself.

  13. Please..Upload the same firmware but rooted!!! 🙂 It is difficult to do the whole process..

  14. @Flemming, how did you root the MK808B

    How did you backup before rooting

    How did you install CWM before backup

  15. Firmware installed. No issues found at the moment.
    Thank you!

  16. You say, “Flash on the Copied MK808B will make you lose the wifi and bluetooth,” does that mean wi-fi and BT will need to be reconfigured in ‘settings’? Or, wi-fi and BT will NOT work at all with this ROM?

  17. Avatar photo

    wifi and BT won’t work on this rom at all.

  18. Avatar photo

    Thanks for the feedback!

  19. Please make a rooted version 🙂 Or make a video tutorial how to root..

  20. Avatar photo

    search on youtube for how to root mk808,you will find tons of videos 🙂

  21. Is there a way to do this procedure with a macintosh?

  22. Avatar photo

    sorry, just support windows PC now.

  23. I have the firmware installed, but can’t access the SD card to load the Amazon App Store. Does anyone else have this problem?

  24. The firmware still have problems with netflix, the video stops and you can’t do anything, you have to disconnect from power supply and turn on again.

    Could you check the problem

  25. Hi, this firmware fixed my netflix problem, but it seems to have broken Hulu Plus. Is this a known issue?

  26. Avatar photo

    Thanks for your feedback, we will check it.

  27. I flash this ROM. But, It does not fix my pink background TV problem when leave idle overnight with TV off. Also my MK808B hangs at AnTuTu benchmark test. Any idea what to check? I am also checking with Geekbuying tech support whether my unit is defect. Any advice?

  28. I have updated the firmware for my mk808b and Netflix works fine now. Eric do you have the list of outstanding bugs? Are you planning to come up with a new firmware ?

  29. Karsten Vendler

    Can i use a ROM manager to install this new ROM?
    hence i cant use my Win 7 becoase the provided driver does not work
    ROM Manager is a tool i found in the app store

  30. Nice ROM. One problem though. It doe snot wok with two older LCD TV:s, 1080i

  31. Is the mk808b plays 1080p movies well with this rom ?

  32. My earlier comment concerning old TVs. I tried to use the latest firmware with two older 1080i capable TVs and did not get any HDMI signal a all. Went back to older firmware to seeI I did not do any mistake while upgrading. Older firmware worked OK

  33. Hi!

    Could anyone please help me with my drivers to my mk808b? I’m using win7 64-bit and have tested all drivers nothing work… my mk808b is bought from geekbuying in december.


  34. I have successfully loaded this firmware onto my MK808B and it appears to be working great. I was also able to use my Logitech Google TV Keyboard by purchasing a Logitech Unifying Receiver and that keyboard works good. Netflix appears to work good with audio and video looking sharp and in sync. Thanks very much. I do have a few questions.

    Lockscreen settings and changing users – How can I get to the lockscreen settings? I do not see that in the Settings application. I am able to setup a 2nd user and when I do the setup for the New User it does take me to the lockscreen but that appears to be the only way I can find to get to it. Once the new user is setup I am stuck as the new user unless I reboot which then opens as the original user. I need to be able to secure one of the accounts on my device as we are sharing the device with other family members. It is obviously a hassle to log in and out of accounts such as Gmail, Facebook, Exchange Mail, etc.

    Sleep – Is there a way to put the device to sleep and be woken up by the keyboard?

    Reboot – I see there is a shutdown button and it just gives me the option of shutting the unit down. Would it be possible to add the same functionality that the Nexus 7 has when hitting the power button which allows for a reboot or changing users?

    Has anyone been able to figure out the items above or know of add on applications that will do what I am looking for?


  35. finally I got mk808b to work with my computer, I don’t really know what I did but it worked 🙂
    another usbcable + switch between the ports maybe did the trick..

  36. Hello,

    I bought MK808B on geekbuying on june 8th. How do I know which ROM is installed?
    My Wifi connection is very poor, with frequent disconnection I can barely connect to any website.
    My other devices located around have no wifi problem.
    Do you think updating ROM would solve the problem? Any hardware solution? (I read on the net that unmolding gnd of antenna woud be good…or not)

    Thank you!

  37. You can use instead a usb2ethernet adapter or search for “wifi solving problem of mk808” in youtube:)

  38. Hi. I have a problem with this firmware. Everything flashes without errors and blue light starts on but I get no signal on my TV. Then I downgraded to 4.1.1 ( and everything works fine. So I assume that it could be fault of my TV cause its not new and maybe there is some kind of workaround to make android 4.2.2 compatible with older HDMI connection? Or maybe its not fault of my TV but fault of rom? Hope someone can help me and explain what could be the cause of this problem.

  39. Hi there,

    I have bought 5 of these devices, and they are running great. I’m currently trying to compile a kernel module that will give my device support for a multitouch panel (42″). I see that the source kernel is 3.0.36+ for MK808B.

    Is it possible to share the kernel source so I can compile the module so it works? If not, then could I send you the module source and you compile it for me? I just need the .ko file so I can launch it with the kernel.



  40. Hello Sir,

    I have purchased your original Measy RC12 and in that I want to that I want to use airmouse like we do RC11 but cursor is not moving at all by howering the mouse in air. Every time I have to use the Touchpad of the measy RC12.

    Like in RC11 we move the cursor by shaking the remote but it’s not working in RC12.

    2. In RC12 special keys are not working with Mk808b like music play stop, email etc rest keyboard is fine and trackpad also working fine. So need to know whether these keys work with Fineless Custom roms or they are by default working.

    So, please guide in this and tell me how to do as soon as possible. As because of these queries I have halted my order of the said products.

    Waiting for your reply,

  41. Hi! I-m buying a MK808B locally, i.e. not from GB,
    but from a person, that says the mini PC is bought from you.

    How can I tell the difference (if it-s a fake mk808b) or to confirm it-s the official one, to make sure I can flash Finless rom safely?!

    Thank You!

  42. HI Support,

    Can I have a manual on how to upgrade to 4.2 on MK808B

  43. I just bought an mk808b from GeekBuying and it came with 406j205_09_2013 firmware. Is there a place I can download this version as a backup? Before I start installing apps and messing with it, I want to make sure I can re-image it back to factory settings. Thanks!!!

  44. Avatar photo

    thanks for the information, we will update the lastest firmware for MK808 asap.

  45. hi
    I did the upgrade without a problem….I have excellent wifi signal but its not connecting to wifi any suggestion ?

  46. Hello Eric,

    Will the new firmware have a fix for the 1080i display problem for older TV’s??
    In addition, will the compatibility with the Google Playstore also be fixed?

    (My previous request has still to be moderated…. maybe you have forgotten).

  47. mk808b shows interner is attached. But, When I try ro connect get a message no internet Maybe realated to data

  48. I was sent the mk808b 4.2 version instead if the 4.1.1 thats in the description. It will not connect to wifi. I even turned off the router wifi password the mk808b sees it and says signal excellent but will not connect to it. Any solutions?

  49. Fran Robson Mioto



  51. wifi does not work for me (rk903 cvhipset )